Leave Lasting Impressions with
Our Book Cover Designs

Let our art tell your story to the world in a captivating and immersive way.

Cover Designs as Creative as Your Work

At American Ghostwriters LLC, we help authors meet the best art partners for their creations using our highly ingenious and well-produced book cover designs. Our team is a horde of exceptional graphic designers who gets to the root of your literature to understand your work in a comprehensive manner and then reflect this comprehension through their impressive artistry.

We understand that your work is unique and deserves equally distinctive art to go with; hence, our proficient designers dress your work with riveting and meaningful book covers, ones that reflect your creativity and distinctiveness at the very first glance.

Bringing Your Book to Life with Matchless Artistry

Your work is highly valuable to us, and we strive to match the quality of your creation with our artistic capabilities. In designing your book face, we ensure that color, design, typography, illustrations, and all other art elements are consistent with your branding and effectively attract the target audience.

We ensure meaningful artwork which can communicate with your audience engagingly and appealingly, successfully enhancing potential conversions. So, let your book be covered by love and artistry. Contact our experts now!

Offering Quality Help Across the Spectrum of eBook Writing

Our Diverse Portfolio

Over the years, American Ghostwriters LLC has helped many clients across the globe with exceptional expertise and professionally-sound service philosophy. Have a glimpse of some of our successful works:

Why Are We the Best Fit for You?

Customized Service

We are customer-focused and prioritize your requirements and satisfaction in our service processing throughout offering a highly customized service experience.

Matchless Expertise

We possess industry gurus who are well-renowned and highly skilled in their field of work, providing our clients with only the best of their work.


Our service revolves around the quality principles of utmost professionalism and authenticity, which is why you will always find our service highly transparent and committed.

Continuous Support

We thrive when our customers are satisfied, hence, offering round-the-clock customer support and providing timely and effective solutions.